The Race Card
The Race Card is focused on the marginalization and institutionalized mistreatment of women of color. I created this project to give all types of women - students, professionals, advocates, old, young, and women in my local community an opportunity to narrate their own experiences and relationships with race. The purpose of displaying these women within trading cards was to represent a positive and a negative. They can be disposable, easily tradable and forgettable. However they can also be treasured and worth a tremendous value. The individuals who are usually on trading cards are there because they have something worthwhile to share. My goal is that women of color who view this are able to identify with the range of emotions that are being expressed; they are not victims but a crucial tool for progress. And I hope that those who are not women of color, can engage with the cards in an approachable and thought provoking way; they are not blamed, but let in on the conversation.